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Return an array of spam domains.

PHP April 1, 2021


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    Source File

    Located in /libs/Security.php on line 292.

    1 Hook

    Find these filters and actions in the source code below to hook into them. Use do_action() and add_filter() in your functions file or plugin.

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            public function get_spam_domain_list(){
                $spam_domain_json_file = get_template_directory() . '/inc/data/spam_domain_list.txt';
                $spam_domain_list = nebula()->transient('nebula_spam_domain_list', function($data){
                    $response = $this->remote_get(''); //Watch for this to change from "master" to "main" (if ever)
                    if ( !is_wp_error($response) ){
                        $spam_domain_list = $response['body'];
                    //If there was an error or empty response, try my GitHub repo
                    if ( is_wp_error($response) || empty($spam_domain_list) ){ //This does not check availability because it is the same hostname as above.
                        $response = $this->remote_get('');
                        if ( !is_wp_error($response) ){
                            $spam_domain_list = $response['body'];
                    //If either of the above remote requests received data, update the local file and store the data in a transient for 36 hours
                    if ( !is_wp_error($response) && !empty($spam_domain_list) ){
                        global $wp_filesystem;
                        $wp_filesystem->put_contents($data['spam_domain_json_file'], $spam_domain_list);
                        return $spam_domain_list;
                }, array('spam_domain_json_file' => $spam_domain_json_file), HOUR_IN_SECONDS*36);
                //If neither remote resource worked, get the local file
                if ( empty($spam_domain_list) ){
                    global $wp_filesystem;
                    $spam_domain_list = $wp_filesystem->get_contents($spam_domain_json_file);
                //If one of the above methods worked, parse the data.
                if ( !empty($spam_domain_list) ){
                    $spam_domain_array = array();
                    foreach( explode("\n", $spam_domain_list) as $line ){
                        if ( !empty($line) ){
                            $spam_domain_array[] = $line;
                } else {
                    $this->ga_send_exception('(Security) spammers.txt was not available!', false);
                //Add manual and user-added spam domains
                $manual_nebula_spam_domains = array(
                $all_spam_domains = apply_filters('nebula_spam_domains', $manual_nebula_spam_domains);
                return array_merge($spam_domain_array, $all_spam_domains);


    This function can not be short-circuited with an override filter. Request one?