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Determine what domains to preconnect, what files to prefetch, and what pages to prerender.

PHP January 5, 2019


This function runs automatically, so it is not called manually. Is this incorrect?


Prefetch a resource without this function (for reference).

<link rel="dns-prefetch preconnect" href="//" />

Preconnect to a domain with this function

add_filter('nebula_preconnect', 'my_preconnects');
function my_preconnects($array){
    $array[] = '//';
    return $array;

Additional Notes

DNS-Prefetch: Resolve the DNS only to a domain.
Preconnect: Resolve both DNS and TCP to a domain.
Prefetch: Fully request a single resource and store it in cache until needed.
Prerender: Render an entire page (useful for comment next page navigation). Use Audience > User Flow report in Google Analytics for better predictions.

This function does not use parameters; it relies exclusively on hooks with add_filter() (see examples).

Note: WordPress does add dns-prefetch to all enqueued resource domains automatically.

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    Source File

    Located in /libs/Optimization.php on line 437.

    4 Hooks

    Find these filters and actions in the source code below to hook into them. Use do_action() and add_filter() in your functions file or plugin.

    Need a new filter hook? Request one here.

    This function has no action hooks available. Request one?

    Note: This function contains 13 to-do comments.

            public function prebrowsing(){
                $override = apply_filters('pre_nebula_prebrowsing', null);
                if ( isset($override) ){return;}
                $debug_comment = ( $this->is_dev() )? '<!-- Server-side -->' : '';
                 DNS-Prefetch & Preconnect
                 Resolve DNS and TCP to a domain.
                $default_preconnects = array();
                //Google fonts if used
                if ( $this->get_option('remote_font_url') ){
                    if ( strpos($this->get_option('remote_font_url'), 'google') || strpos($this->get_option('remote_font_url'), 'gstatic') ){ //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                        $default_preconnects[] = '//';
                    } elseif ( strpos($this->get_option('remote_font_url'), 'typekit') ){ //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                        $default_preconnects[] = '//';
                //Loop through all of the preconnects
                $preconnects = apply_filters('nebula_preconnect', $default_preconnects);
                if ( !empty($preconnects) && is_array($preconnects) ){
                    foreach ( $preconnects as $preconnect ){
                        echo '<link rel="preconnect" href="' . $preconnect . '" crossorigin="anonymous" />' . $debug_comment;
                 Fully request a single resource and store it in cache until needed. Do not combine with preload!
                $default_prefetches = array();
                // if ( !is_front_page() ){
                //     //$default_prefetches[] = home_url('/'); //Prefetch the home page on subpages. Disabled because this may be loading more than we want on initial pageload
                // }
                //Search Results
                if ( is_search() ){
                    global $wp_query;
                    if ( !empty($wp_query->posts) && !empty($wp_query->posts['0']) ){ //If has search results
                        $default_prefetches[] = get_permalink($wp_query->posts['0']->ID); //Prefetch the first search result
                //404 Pages
                if ( is_404() ){
                    //If Nebula finds a match based on context clues, prefetch that too
                    if ( !empty($this->error_404_exact_match) ){
                        $default_prefetches[] = get_permalink($this->error_404_exact_match->ID);
                    //If has page suggestions prefetch the first one
                    if ( !empty($this->error_query) && $this->error_query->have_posts() ){
                        $default_prefetches[] = get_permalink($this->error_query->posts[0]->ID);
                //Loop through all of the prefetches
                $prefetches = apply_filters('nebula_prefetches', $default_prefetches); //Allow child themes and plugins to prefetch resources via Nebula too
                if ( !empty($prefetches) && is_array($prefetches) ){
                    foreach ( $prefetches as $prefetch ){
                        echo '<link rel="prefetch" href="' . $prefetch . '" crossorigin="anonymous" />' . $debug_comment;
                 Fully request a single resource before it is needed. Do not combine with prefetch! These must be used within a few seconds of window load.
                $default_preloads = array();
                //Google fonts if used
                if ( $this->get_option('remote_font_url') ){
                    $default_preloads[] = $this->get_option('remote_font_url'); //Oct 2019: disabling this for now as it delays render in Chrome
                //Loop through all of the preloads
                $preloads = apply_filters('nebula_preloads', $default_preloads); //Allow child themes and plugins to preload resources via Nebula too
                if ( !empty($preloads) && is_array($preloads) ){
                    foreach ( $preloads as $preload ){
                        switch ( $preload ){
                            case strpos($preload, '.css'): //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                                $filetype = 'style';
                            case strpos($preload, '.js'): //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                                $filetype = 'script';
                            case strpos($preload, 'fonts.googleapis'): //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                            case strpos($preload, '.woff'): //Captures both .woff and .woff2 //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                                $filetype = 'font';
                            case strpos($preload, '.jpg'): //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                            case strpos($preload, '.jpeg'): //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                            case strpos($preload, '.png'): //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                            case strpos($preload, '.gif'): //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                                $filetype = 'image';
                            case strpos($preload, '.mp4'): //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                            case strpos($preload, '.ogv'): //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                            case strpos($preload, '.mov'): //@todo "Nebula" 0: Update strpos() to str_contains() in PHP8
                                $filetype = 'video';
                                $filetype = 'fetch';
                        echo '<link rel="preload" href="' . $preload . '" as="' . $filetype . '" crossorigin="anonymous" />';


    To override this PHP function, use this hook in your child theme or plugin ("my_custom" can be changed):

    add_filter('pre_nebula_prebrowsing', 'my_custom_prebrowsing'); 
    function my_custom_prebrowsing(){ 
        //Write your own code here
        return true; //Return true to prevent the original function from running afterwords

    You can completely disable this PHP function with a single line actions:

     add_filter('pre_nebula_prebrowsing', '__return_false');