Gearside Design

9 Cool Public JSON Feeds

Finding fun public JSON feeds to experiment with is surprisingly difficult, so I thought I’d compile a list of as many interesting and useful examples as I could find. This list is for public feeds meaning they do not require an API key. I also focused on the REST architecture. My example usage snippets will be using jQuery for simplicity.

I will be sure to add to this list as I find more cool APIs!


Returns the IP address of the visitor. There is no documentation for this because that’s all it does.


$.get(‘’, function (json) {
console.log(‘The IP address is: ‘ + json.ip);

2. Geo IP

Returns the IP address along with geolocation information like latitude/longitude, city/state, and even ISP. Click here for the documentation.


$.getJSON(‘’, function(json) {
console.log(‘The IP address is: ‘ + json.ip);
console.log(‘Latitude: ‘ + json.latitude);
console.log(‘Longitude: ‘ + json.longitude);

3. Currency Deflator

Here is a tool that returns the value of the entered currency in 2009 US Dollars. It also gives the exchange rate and other information. Documentation is here. In my example, I am returning the value of $100 in 1986 in the United States.


$.get(‘’, function (json) {
console.log(‘Value in 2009 US Dollars: ‘ + json.deflated_amount);

4. Bitcoin Value

Here’s one to check Bitcoin value in USD and gold (by weight). Documentation can be found here.


$.get(‘’, function (json) {
console.log(‘Current value in USD: ‘ + json.BTC[0].USD);
<h2 id="5-imdb-query"><a href="#5-imdb-query" class="heading-link no-scroll nebula-push click" title="Link to this section..."><i class="fa fa-fw fa-link"></i></a>5. IMDb Query</h2>
Look up movies and TV shows by title or IMDb ID. <a href="" target="_blank">Documentation and request URL helper here.</a>
[pre lang=javascript]$.get(&#8216;!&format=JSON&#8217;, function (json) {
console.log(&#8216;IMDb Rating: &#8216; + json.rating);

6. Acronym Lookup

This acronym finder can find words based on initials, or vice versa. It is sorted by usage frequency and also returns origin date. Documentation can be found here.


$.get(&#8216;;, function (json) {
console.log(&#8216;Stands for: &#8216; + json.lfs[0].lf);
console.log(&#8216;Origin: &#8216; + json.lfs[0].since);

7. Quantum Random Number Generator

Computers have a hard time generating truly random numbers. This incredibly unique service generates true random numbers by measuring quantum fluctuations of a vacuum in real-time! Documentation can be found here.


$.get(&#8216;;, function (json) {
console.log(&#8216;Random Number: &#8216; +;

8. Auto Meme Generator

I really shouldn’t even include this one but I’m sure someone out there would find it useful. It generates a bunch of meme text. Documentation.


$.getJSON(&#8216;;, function (json) {
console.log(&#8216;Meme: &#8216; + json[0]);

9. Lorem Ipsum Generator

This returns placeholder text in the style of Lorem Ipsum. Documentation is here.


$.get(&#8216;;, function (json) {

Here are some that I found that seemed cool, but needed an API key (Again, the above list is meant to be just interesting public APIs):

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For a database of even more APIs (that include more than just JSON formats) check out Programmable Web! Do you have a useful feed that I didn’t include? Comment below to add it to the list.